Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Overcoming DST ASAP!

Quick Tips

We switch to Daylight Savings Time in the US this weekend. It’s a mixed-feeling experience—negative effect of the loss of an hour with the positive aspect of gaining more light in the evening.
In fact, there are some startling statistics for how losing one hour affects health. There is 24% increase in heart attacks, 8% increase in strokes and a 6% spike in fatal car accidents on the Monday following the switch.
Barring any serious health impacts, what can you do to minimize the impact for yourself. Here are some ideas.
  • Go to bed earlier on Saturday night to begin to reset your internal clock
  • Avoid caffeine or alcohol on Saturday so you get restful sleep
  • Expose yourself to light as quickly as possible during the first few days of DST
  • Exercise in the morning on Sunday and Monday t0 help you get going for the day
  • Take brief naps for the first couple of days
While you work through this annual adjustment, remember this—it will be light out when you finish/leave work for the next 7-8 months. Yippee!

Past Journals

Autonomy at Work

The Impact InsiderEngagement best practices, tips, and trends.Deepening engagement requires...

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