Joy Journal

Every Friday, you can receive the Joy Journal, which will give you information, inspiration and tips that you can use in your pursuit for joy.


Are You Burning Out?

Quick Pulse Poll

Quick—grab a pen and rate how often you have had any of these experiences over the last month? (1= not at all, 3=frequently, 5=all the time)
  • I am unable to complete tasks on time.
  • I lose track of tasks and time.
  • I am moody and irritable with those around me.
  • I feel tired, even when I get good sleep.
  • I am unsatisfied with previously enjoyed tasks or activities.
  • I am experiencing minor unexplained physical ailments.
  • I use busyness as an excuse for canceling the fun aspects of my life.
  • I am withdrawing from my team and don’t participate much in meetings.
  • I am having sleep problems.
  • I chronically work during personal hours.
Burnout manifests itself in many individual ways, but if you want a quick way to check your burnout “pulse,” consider this list. Examine how often any of these items occur for you each month, as well as look at how many of them are occurring regularly for you. While there is no exact science, you may want to do further self-exploration if your frequency rate is high for a number of these items. (Or if your score is above 20.)


Past Journals

Autonomy at Work

The Impact InsiderEngagement best practices, tips, and trends.Deepening engagement requires...

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